Lough Derg FC

Founded 2002



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The Lough Derg FC Tribe Trials committee met last night and made the tough decision to cancel the Tribe Trials - Obstacle Challenge 2022 event planned for Sunday 4th September for a number of reasons.

  1. The timing of the event doesn't suit much of our membership, clashing with a number of local events.
  2. The weather forecast is against us. With a packed schedule of football games coming thick and fast, putting our only playing pitch at risk jeopardises home games for hundreds of young footballers. Its just the wrong time of year.
  3. We've taken the membership feedback that the current focus for families is back to school and getting back to routine after the summer holidays, with all the costs associated. We hear you!

All is not lost!

We want to recreate the magic of the original Tribe Trials event from May 2019 when our twin towns showcased a community in action. May is the optimal time for this event, with football season winding down and before the holidays begin. Tribe Trials will be back in May '23. Watch this space for your New Years '23 resolution!

Apologies to those who are disappointed by this decision. Refunds will be processed for entries.
A huge thank you to the tireless group of volunteers who have worked so hard to try make this event happen.

Please Support Our Fundraising Efforts
The cancellation of this event puts a big hole in our fundraising plans for the year. As we aspire to expand our playing facilities for our growing numbers we need your support.

  1. Plesae ensure your membership subs are paid - we can't function without your subs.
  2. You can support our club lotto at https://www.ourgrassroots.ie/club/loughdergfc
  3. You can volunteer 3 hrs of your time to support our club on Quest weekend (9th & 10th September) - contact Ray Hickey
  4. You can support our Split the Pot raffle (to be launched in September) - contact Tommy Sheehan
  5. You can participate in our World Cup predictor (to be launched in November) - contact Donagh O'Shaughnessy

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